Volunteering Work

Unforgettable and life-changing

At Beyond South America, we believe that volunteering can change the world for the better. Acts of
solidarity, global learning, and intercultural exchange break down walls that exist between cultures and in
our own minds. Anyone who has ever worked in another country, who has given their time and energy to a
good cause, knows that this can be an unforgettable experience, even life-changing. Your own impressions
and the ones you leave in others and the learning experiences on both sides, bring the world a bit closer.



Our great network of local organizations, host families and volunteer house Casa Juntucha function as the pieces for the creation of your unique volunteer experience. We offer several services, such as 24/7 support
and a city tour, as part of our
 Ready for take off for the more experienced traveler and Comfort Class for the newby traveler.



At BSA we are basically
matchmakers! Our mission is to
find you the perfect project and
the best place to stay.
The perfect match starts with good and deep
conversation. We really want to
get to know you. What is your background and your abilities?
What are your desires and fears?
Based on your personal profile
we start our search. Our mission?
The right person, for the right project.  


Each member of our team has
stood in your shoes before.
At some point in life, we all
started off as rooky volunteers
on the way to a great adventure
in a foreign country!

We fully understand the kind
of needs, wishes, concerns and
challenges this might entail. This is why we can assure you the best and most suitable guidance during your travel experience.















We always collaborate with local organizations that work
on projects focused on social- or environmental sustainability.
Currently, we offer projects in the following fields:

Nature Preservation


Community Development





Are you interested in doing volunteering work?
Read more about our current projects.


Please note, that all the profits of Beyond South America go tothe Casa de la Alegría
Foundation supporting and sustaining their work.Volunteering with Beyond South America
means you contribute directlyto a good cause, improving the lives of children in Bolivia!














Check out our testimonials in which the benefits of volunteering are discussed from both a volunteer as
a partner perspective.  Did you know that motivated volunteers can be an impulse for our local projects
and their employees? Working with volunteers can be the necessary proof of the added value of their work.